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Add 10 years to your life!
The Impact of Activity Levels on Longevity #activity #exercicse #longevity #training #strengthtraining #cardio
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Overtraining Doesn't Apply to Me
Check out the video version here: I did a post on overtraining a...
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Do things really hurt more when it's cold?
If you're in Tokyo, or many other places in the northern hemisphere, you're probably cold! And if you have parts of your body that hurt...
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Back Pain with Driving?
Are you one of those people who experience back when driving? Sometimes this is just due to prolonged sitting, often in a...
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Goal Setting Tips for Success in 2025
It's that time of the year! Most of us have something in mind that we want to achieve this year, whether it be health, fitness, work,...
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Lower back pain with sitting, forward bending, putting on shoes, squatting?
To see visual descriptions of the movements and exercises, check out our latest instagram post:
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Ski Injury Prevention Tips
WINTER IS UPON US! And that means many of you will be gearing up for a few fun-filled months on the slopes. We are here to help if you do...
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Training for Bone Health
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia effect a last percentage of people over 50. The latest research shows that high intensity exercise can help...
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9 Tips for Pain-Free Holiday Travel
Travel can be tough on the body, but these 9 tips will help you stay comfortable and pain-free: 1️⃣ Move often: Stand, stretch, or take...
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Movement Snacks - Volume 2
Are you like most of the population and sit all day? Do you have a bit of discomfort? Adding in some "movement snacks" throughout the...
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Are you overtraining?
Working ourselves into an overtrained state can serious hamper our long-term goals.
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Back pain with golf, tennis, and other rotational sports?
Lower back pain with rotational sports may indicate a lack of rotational mobility in adjacent segments and a lack of rotational stability...
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Movement Snacks Volume 3 - lower body
Are you like most of the population and sit all day? Do you have a bit of discomfort? Adding in some "movement snacks" throughout the...
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Non-Surgical Management of Acute Meniscus Tears
What is the meniscus? The meniscus is a rubbery ring of cartilage that sits between the thigh and shin bones in the knee joint and helps...
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Clinical insights with Sam: No Pain ≠ All Better
Check out the video version on our IG page!
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Lower Back Pain with Walking (or running)
Many cases of lower back pain are direction specific, meaning the pain will be worse with spinal movement in a certain direction. Check...
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Break up your working day with some "Movement Snacks!"
Are you like most of the population and sit all day? Do you have a bit of discomfort? Adding in some "movement snacks" throughout the...
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Win a Ticket in the Tokyo Marathon Lottery?
Start Preparing Now!!! #MarathonTraining #RunPrep #MarathonJourney #RaceReady #RunningGoals #RunStrong #MarathonMindset #TrainHard...
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Should you take out the metal after surgery - Japanese vs. western approach
So you've been unlucky enough to injury yourself and have surgery. Hopefully you've undergone a full rehabilitation program and have...
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The Silver Lining of Rehab
Being injured and going through rehab isn't fun. For starters, you're in pain, which by definition is an unpleasant experience, your...
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