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Clinical insights with Sam: No Pain ≠All Better
Check out the video version on our IG page!
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Should you take out the metal after surgery - Japanese vs. western approach
So you've been unlucky enough to injury yourself and have surgery. Hopefully you've undergone a full rehabilitation program and have...
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Is Hanging a Cure-All for Shoulder Pain?
The Obsession with Hanging The world seems fascinated with the idea of hanging as a solution for shoulder pain. A quick online search for...
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Lies Surrounding Back Pain (5 Myths DEBUNKED)
New Youtube clip! What big media doesn't want you to know about your back! Our clinical...
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Are Physical Therapists Qualified to Diagnose?
In the realm of healthcare, the role of physical therapists, also known as physiotherapists, is often associated with rehabilitation and...
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Unveiling the Role of Physical Therapists: What Does a Physical Therapist Do?
Introduction: Physical therapists are healthcare professionals with a unique and vital role in promoting overall well-being and...
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Tokyo Living Podcast: Injury Edition – Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam tackles the topic of rotator cuff related shoulder pain, rotator cuff tears and shoulder...
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Rehabilitative Exercise: What are we actually trying to achieve?
Most individuals, be they athletes or general population patients, understand that exercise is the most important factor in the...
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Tokyo Living Podcast Injury Edition – Plantar Fasciitis
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the diagnosis and management of plantar fasciitis (or at least that’s what everyone...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Sports Concussion
TLP Injury Edition – Sports Concussion On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of sports related concussion. Click...
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Resistance Training for Bone Health in Men
The LIFTMOR for men trial The incidence of osteoporosis (defined as bone mineral density T score greater than -2.5) is thought to be over...
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Youtube Video: ow to use BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION technique for muscle growth and recovery, by a physical therapist! Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, explains the benefits and how to utilize BFR for...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Running Footwear
TLP Injury Edition – Running Footwear On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of running footwear. Click on the...
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Relief Through Rehabilitation: Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain
Introduction Lower back pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint seen by doctors and other medical practitioners, and will...
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Youtube Video: What is it ACTUALLY like to have a physiotherapy session for the first time?? Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, demonstrates what is involved in a first physical...
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What you need to know about frozen shoulder
#fysiofriday #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #kneepain #illiotibialband #ITB #ITBS #ITBFS #physio #physicaltherapy #backpain #neckpain...
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How much do you know about pain
How much do you know about pain? Research shows that when we have a better understanding of pain we can optimise our rehabilitation...
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Manual Therapy – What is it actually doing?
MANUAL THERAPY: WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY DOING? This post explores some of the mechanism behind the affects of manual therapy #fysiofriday...
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Is you rehab fully preparing you to return to full function?
The essence of musculoskeletal rehabilitation is taking a patient from where they currently are (often a state of pain, functional...
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TLP Injury Edition – Are Opioids Evil?
TLP Injury Edition – Are Opioids Evil? On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses a recent paper regarding opioids and back...
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