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Common Ski Injuries #13: Concussion
The final injury we will discuss in this series is concussion. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that causes a...
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Common Ski Injuries #12: Whiplash
Less commonly seen in winter sports are injuries to the neck. Similar to lower back injuries, acute onset of pain in the neck may follow...
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Common Ski Injuries #11: Soft tissue injuries
As with any sports, there is the risk of acute muscle strains with skiing and snowboarding. Some of the common sights of muscle injury...
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Common Ski Injuries #10: Shoulder dislocation
Our last post discussed rotator cuff injuries. Due to the violent nature of skiing and snowboarding related falls, it is also not...
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Common Ski Injuries #9: Shoulder strains
We have previously discussed clavicle fractures and injuries to the AC joint. We also commonly see injuries to the rotator occur with...
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Common Ski Injuries #8: Lower back
Lower back pain is the most common complaint we deal with in orthopedic practice, and while it isn’t the most common winter sports...
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Common Ski Injuries #7: Thumb Injuries
We mentioned in the last post how twisting movements involving ski poles may cause injury to the wrist. Given the positioning of the...
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Common Ski Injuries #6: Hand and Wrist
Another area that may be affected during a fall is the hand and wrist. This is usually the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand, or...
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Common Ski Injuries #5: Upper arm fractures
Less common than the clavicle fractures and AC joint injuries discussed in the previous posts, a fracture of the upper part of the arm...
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Common Ski Injuries #4: Clavicle Fracture
We discussed in the previous post how a fall onto the side of the shoulder may cause damage to the AC joint. The same mechanism of injury...
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Common Ski Injuries #3: AC joint sprain
With skiing and snowboarding, inevitably there is falling! The next few posts will discuss injuries that may occur during a fall. One...
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Common Ski Injuries #2 : MCL Sprain
Last post we discussed ACL injuries, the granddaddy of knee pain. Equally common are medial collateral ligament (MCL) injuries. The MCL...
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Common Ski Injuries #1: ACL Rupture
The 3 letters of doom! ACL injuries are very common in sports, including winter sports. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of 4...
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