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The Silver Lining of Rehab
Being injured and going through rehab isn't fun. For starters, you're in pain, which by definition is an unpleasant experience, your...
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What is the best exercise to prevent office work-related neck pain
Next to back pain, neck pain is the second most common musculoskeletal problem. Approximately 15% of the population are thought to report...
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Exercise in the Management of Hypertension
#highbloodpressure #hypertension #health #wellness #exerciseismedicine #longevity #fitness #medicine #antihypertensives #physicalactivity
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What is Physical Literacy?
The term literacy is generally used to describe someone’s proficiency within a written language, although there are other types of...
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How to Battle Gym Intimidation and Exercise-related Anxiety
We as health professionals often focus on the benefit of exercise as a method of mitigating stress and anxiety. Most of us have been in...
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How Much Exercise Should I do?
#exercise #physicalactivity #health #wellness #longevity
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The “green prescription”: Physiotherapy for Metabolic Conditions.
Whilst many think of physiotherapy interventions being primarily effective for musculoskeletal conditions (muscle tears, joint sprains,...
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