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The Silver Lining of Rehab
Being injured and going through rehab isn't fun. For starters, you're in pain, which by definition is an unpleasant experience, your...
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Why Do things stop hurting when I go to the doctor?
Ever gone to see a medical practitioner and frustratingly had your symptoms go away when you get there? Feel like you’re making it up?...
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Rehabilitative Exercise: What are we actually trying to achieve?
Most individuals, be they athletes or general population patients, understand that exercise is the most important factor in the...
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Understanding Cervicogenic Headaches
Introduction Headaches are a common ailment that can arise from various sources, and one lesser-known headache type is the cervicogenic...
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Resistance Training for Bone Health in Men
The LIFTMOR for men trial The incidence of osteoporosis (defined as bone mineral density T score greater than -2.5) is thought to be over...
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What you need to know about frozen shoulder
#fysiofriday #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #kneepain #illiotibialband #ITB #ITBS #ITBFS #physio #physicaltherapy #backpain #neckpain...
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How much do you know about pain
How much do you know about pain? Research shows that when we have a better understanding of pain we can optimise our rehabilitation...
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Manual Therapy – What is it actually doing?
MANUAL THERAPY: WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY DOING? This post explores some of the mechanism behind the affects of manual therapy #fysiofriday...
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Is you rehab fully preparing you to return to full function?
The essence of musculoskeletal rehabilitation is taking a patient from where they currently are (often a state of pain, functional...
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What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is an umbrella term to describe a few different conditions whereby the brachial plexus (a network of...
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What is the ITB and why does it cause problems?
The ITB (illiotibial band) is a long, thick band of connective tissue that runs from muscles in the hip and pelvis and attaches to a...
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Common Ski Injuries #13: Concussion
The final injury we will discuss in this series is concussion. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that causes a...
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Common Ski Injuries #12: Whiplash
Less commonly seen in winter sports are injuries to the neck. Similar to lower back injuries, acute onset of pain in the neck may follow...
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Common Ski Injuries #11: Soft tissue injuries
As with any sports, there is the risk of acute muscle strains with skiing and snowboarding. Some of the common sights of muscle injury...
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Common Ski Injuries #10: Shoulder dislocation
Our last post discussed rotator cuff injuries. Due to the violent nature of skiing and snowboarding related falls, it is also not...
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Common Ski Injuries #9: Shoulder strains
We have previously discussed clavicle fractures and injuries to the AC joint. We also commonly see injuries to the rotator occur with...
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Common Ski Injuries #8: Lower back
Lower back pain is the most common complaint we deal with in orthopedic practice, and while it isn’t the most common winter sports...
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Common Ski Injuries #7: Thumb Injuries
We mentioned in the last post how twisting movements involving ski poles may cause injury to the wrist. Given the positioning of the...
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Concussion Assessment and Management
Concussion, also known as a traumatic brain injury (or TBI) is functional disturbance of the brain, typically caused by direct or...
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Common Ski Injuries #6: Hand and Wrist
Another area that may be affected during a fall is the hand and wrist. This is usually the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand, or...
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