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Do things really hurt more when it's cold?
If you're in Tokyo, or many other places in the northern hemisphere, you're probably cold! And if you have parts of your body that hurt...
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Should you take out the metal after surgery - Japanese vs. western approach
So you've been unlucky enough to injury yourself and have surgery. Hopefully you've undergone a full rehabilitation program and have...
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5 pillow hacks to reduce night time pain
Both with acute and persistent pain conditions, nighttime pain can be an annoyance and also interrupt the healing process. In some cases...
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STOP applying ICE to your INJURIES!!! (4 myths about ice treatment DEBUNKED)
All the wrong things you thought about ICE and INJURES! Sam exposes ICE TREATMENT myths in this clip and explains the facts!...
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Why Do things stop hurting when I go to the doctor?
Ever gone to see a medical practitioner and frustratingly had your symptoms go away when you get there? Feel like you’re making it up?...
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Tokyo Living Podcast Injury Edition – Plantar Fasciitis
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the diagnosis and management of plantar fasciitis (or at least that’s what everyone...
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Guide to Dealing with Night Pain
Pain during the night can be a problem with a number of different conditions. As sleep is one of our most important recovery modalities,...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Running Footwear
TLP Injury Edition – Running Footwear On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of running footwear. Click on the...
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TLP Injury Edition – Are Opioids Evil?
TLP Injury Edition – Are Opioids Evil? On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses a recent paper regarding opioids and back...
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Physiotherapy in the Management of Headache
TLP Injury Edition – Physiotherapy in the management of headache On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the different types...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Hamstring (and other) muscle injuries
On this episode of the injury edition, some discusses the management of muscle injuries, with a specific focus on hamstring injuries. TLP...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Neck Pain
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the assessment and treatment approach for common neck pain conditions....
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Tokyo Living Podcast Injury Edition - Extrasode - The sprained ankle
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses sprained ankles; why they often reoccur and what we can do to optimally manage this...
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Steroid Injection for Shoulder Pain – Yay or Nay?
Should you consider a steroid injection for shoulder pain? Lin, Ching-Yueh, Shih-Chung Huang, Shiow-Jyu Tzou, Chun-Hao Yin, Jin-Shuen...
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Do I need surgery for my shoulder pain?
Do I need surgery for my shoulder pain? Physiotherapy can help to prevent surgery in non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries! #fysiofriday...
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Could my pain be rheumatic?
Rheumatological conditions are problems based around systemic inflammation, rather than being associated with a specific injury or...
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Tokyo Living Podcast: Injury Edition – Ice Revisited
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam revisits the topic of ice for injuries; when we should and when we shouldn’t be using this...
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