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5 pillow hacks to reduce night time pain

Both with acute and persistent pain conditions, nighttime pain can be an annoyance and also interrupt the healing process. In some cases some simple pillow hacks can help us get into a more comfortable position and get a better night's sleep. Try these out and let us know if they help!

Disclaimer: Night pain can also be indicative of a more sinister underlying pathology. Give these hacks a go but if you are still experiencing pain, check in with your doctor or physio for a thorough assessment!

1) Side sleeper with pain in the neck? Changing the resting angle by adding an extra pillow may take some pressure off.

Too big of a change? Try a folded up towel instead

2) Side sleeper with back pain? Try throwing a pillow between your legs

3) Back sleeper with pain in the back? See if a pillow under the knees helps

4) More comfortable on your side but tend to roll over in the night? Try propping a pillow up

behind your back

5) Sore shoulder? Give a pillow a hug

For video instructions check out our instagram page:

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