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Lower Back Pain - Guide to Not Freaking Out!
Most people will suffer at least 1 bout of acute lower back pain during their life. Here are some important points to ease the burden....
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Why Do things stop hurting when I go to the doctor?
Ever gone to see a medical practitioner and frustratingly had your symptoms go away when you get there? Feel like you’re making it up?...
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Guide to Dealing with Night Pain
Pain during the night can be a problem with a number of different conditions. As sleep is one of our most important recovery modalities,...
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Resistance Training for Bone Health in Men
The LIFTMOR for men trial The incidence of osteoporosis (defined as bone mineral density T score greater than -2.5) is thought to be over...
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Active Work Breaks and Postural Shift for Back and Neck Pain
Back and neck pain are the most common conditions we see in musculoskeletal practice, and are particularly common in sedentary...
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How much do you know about pain
How much do you know about pain? Research shows that when we have a better understanding of pain we can optimise our rehabilitation...
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Zone 2 Cardio: Part 2
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury #recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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Zone 2 Cardio – Part 1
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury#recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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‘Optimizing Sleep’
This week we are discussing scientifically-backed and practical sleep tips for improving sleep quality. A lot of these tips may be...
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Tendons and Tendinopathy
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury #recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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New and Exciting Findings in the Field of ACL Rehab!
In this week’s look at the science, we are discussing the recent rise in research into the cross bracing protocol (CBP) as a means of...
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Concussion Assessment and Management
Concussion, also known as a traumatic brain injury (or TBI) is functional disturbance of the brain, typically caused by direct or...
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Steroid Injection for Shoulder Pain – Yay or Nay?
Should you consider a steroid injection for shoulder pain? Lin, Ching-Yueh, Shih-Chung Huang, Shiow-Jyu Tzou, Chun-Hao Yin, Jin-Shuen...
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Do I need surgery for my shoulder pain?
Do I need surgery for my shoulder pain? Physiotherapy can help to prevent surgery in non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries! #fysiofriday...
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The “green prescription”: Physiotherapy for Metabolic Conditions.
Whilst many think of physiotherapy interventions being primarily effective for musculoskeletal conditions (muscle tears, joint sprains,...
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Updated Guidelines for Ankle Sprains
Clinical guidelines are devised by experts in specific fields, to provide consensus and improve consistency within management protocols....
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The Science of Poor Sleep
#fitandhealthy #exercise #fitnessforlife #traininglife #trainingdays #trainingvibes #trainingmotivation #fitnesslife #trainingtips...
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