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Add 10 years to your life!
The Impact of Activity Levels on Longevity #activity #exercicse #longevity #training #strengthtraining #cardio
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Overtraining Doesn't Apply to Me
Check out the video version here: I did a post on overtraining a...
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Training for Bone Health
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia effect a last percentage of people over 50. The latest research shows that high intensity exercise can help...
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The Silver Lining of Rehab
Being injured and going through rehab isn't fun. For starters, you're in pain, which by definition is an unpleasant experience, your...
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Is Hanging a Cure-All for Shoulder Pain?
The Obsession with Hanging The world seems fascinated with the idea of hanging as a solution for shoulder pain. A quick online search for...
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What types of strength training best prevent running injury?
New Study Findings! Runners love to run, but when it comes to strength training, the enthusiasm often wanes. However, research...
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Decoding the Running Conundrum: To Change or Not to Change Your Running Style for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
Introduction Running is a dynamic and liberating activity that brings immense joy to countless enthusiasts. However, the potential for...
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Tokyo Living Podcast: Injury Edition – Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam tackles the topic of rotator cuff related shoulder pain, rotator cuff tears and shoulder...
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Youtube Video: 3 GREAT BICEPS EXERCISES! Nathan explains 3 BICEPS exercises that will help you build bigger and stronger arms! #BICEPExercises...
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Resistance Training for Bone Health in Men
The LIFTMOR for men trial The incidence of osteoporosis (defined as bone mineral density T score greater than -2.5) is thought to be over...
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Youtube Video: ow to use BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION technique for muscle growth and recovery, by a physical therapist! Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, explains the benefits and how to utilize BFR for...
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What Are the Most Dangerous Gym Exercises? Debunking Common Myths
Entering the world of resistance training can be a daunting experience for those unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the gym. Concerns...
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Youtube Video: Learn how to target ALL parts of your back with these SEATED ROW variations! Nathan explains how to work the rowing machine in different ways to target every part of the back !...
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Youtube Video: Improve your GRIP strength with these 4 exercises! Our strength coach Andrew gives you his BEST 4 exercises for GRIP STRENGTH! #GripStrength #StrengthCoach...
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Can exercise help with memory loss?
#exercise #activity #memory #cognition #dementia #recall #information #cardio #strengthtraining #health #healthylife #gym #longevity...
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Youtube Video: Level up your arm work with these 3 TRICEPS exercises Nathan explains how to perform 3 cable machine triceps focused movements with perfect form! #TricepsWorkout...
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Youtube Video: Complete your progression towards a PISTOL SQUAT ! Build a PISTOL SQUAT from zero Part 2 Nathan explains how to progress towards a full PISTOL SQUAT! #PistolSquat #SquatProgression #LegStrength...
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Youtube Video: Get a stronger and healthier core with these dead bug progressions! Here, Nathan is explaining how to take your core health to the next level with these tried and trusted dead...
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Youtube Video: Build a pistol squat from zero! Part 1 Nathan explains how to progress towards a full pistol squat! #PistolSquat #SquatProgression #LegStrength...
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Idalis is a 46 year-old female university teacher who presented to us a year ago with a 4-year history of persistent lower back pain and...
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