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I did a post on overtraining a couple of weeks ago but this was something that came up recently. I think this is probably true with a lot of middle-aged weekend warriors or people who are coming from a relatively low base and building up their volume and intensity of exercise.
There is the notion that because I'm not highly trained I'm not exercising at an intensity level that would cause me to be overtrained.
The thing is that exercise variables such as volume and intensity are all relative to a person's current physical state, which may depend on their age as well as their lifetime and recent levels of physical activity. Because of this, any person engaging in exercise can be at risk of overtraining if the training stimulus is too great for their current capacity.
So if you're starting out an exercise program or starting to ramp things up as many of us might be at this time of the year, try to do so a gradual structured manner, have some type of objective markers as to how well you are recovering, and make sure you listen to your body and make adjustments to your program as needed.