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Overtraining Doesn't Apply to Me
Check out the video version here: I did a post on overtraining a...
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The Silver Lining of Rehab
Being injured and going through rehab isn't fun. For starters, you're in pain, which by definition is an unpleasant experience, your...
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Tokyo Living Podcast Injury Edition – Plantar Fasciitis
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the diagnosis and management of plantar fasciitis (or at least that’s what everyone...
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Youtube Video: ow to use BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION technique for muscle growth and recovery, by a physical therapist! Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, explains the benefits and how to utilize BFR for...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Running Footwear
TLP Injury Edition – Running Footwear On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of running footwear. Click on the...
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Is you rehab fully preparing you to return to full function?
The essence of musculoskeletal rehabilitation is taking a patient from where they currently are (often a state of pain, functional...
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Zone 2 Cardio: Part 2
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury #recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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Physiotherapy in the Management of Headache
TLP Injury Edition – Physiotherapy in the management of headache On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the different types...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Hamstring (and other) muscle injuries
On this episode of the injury edition, some discusses the management of muscle injuries, with a specific focus on hamstring injuries. TLP...
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Tokyo Living Podcast – Injury Edition: Neck Pain
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the assessment and treatment approach for common neck pain conditions....
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Zone 2 Cardio – Part 1
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury#recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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Common Ski Injuries #13: Concussion
The final injury we will discuss in this series is concussion. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that causes a...
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‘Optimizing Sleep’
This week we are discussing scientifically-backed and practical sleep tips for improving sleep quality. A lot of these tips may be...
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Common Ski Injuries #12: Whiplash
Less commonly seen in winter sports are injuries to the neck. Similar to lower back injuries, acute onset of pain in the neck may follow...
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Tokyo Living Podcast Injury Edition - Extrasode - The sprained ankle
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses sprained ankles; why they often reoccur and what we can do to optimally manage this...
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Common Ski Injuries #11: Soft tissue injuries
As with any sports, there is the risk of acute muscle strains with skiing and snowboarding. Some of the common sights of muscle injury...
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Common Ski Injuries #10: Shoulder dislocation
Our last post discussed rotator cuff injuries. Due to the violent nature of skiing and snowboarding related falls, it is also not...
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Tendons and Tendinopathy
#physiotherapy #physio #osteopathy #osteo #physiotherapytokyo #physiogym #rehab #injury #recovery #rehabilitation #workhardrecoverhard...
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Common Ski Injuries #9: Shoulder strains
We have previously discussed clavicle fractures and injuries to the AC joint. We also commonly see injuries to the rotator occur with...
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New and Exciting Findings in the Field of ACL Rehab!
In this week’s look at the science, we are discussing the recent rise in research into the cross bracing protocol (CBP) as a means of...
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