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Add 10 years to your life!
The Impact of Activity Levels on Longevity #activity #exercicse #longevity #training #strengthtraining #cardio
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Overtraining Doesn't Apply to Me
Check out the video version here: I did a post on overtraining a...
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Are you overtraining?
Working ourselves into an overtrained state can serious hamper our long-term goals.
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Summertime: The Importance of Keeping Active
#youthsport #summer #consistency #training #travel #homeworkouts #SummerFitness #StayActive #SummerWorkout #FitnessGoals #ExerciseMotivat...
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Youtube Video: 3 GREAT BICEPS EXERCISES! Nathan explains 3 BICEPS exercises that will help you build bigger and stronger arms! #BICEPExercises...
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Youtube Video: ow to use BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION technique for muscle growth and recovery, by a physical therapist! Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, explains the benefits and how to utilize BFR for...
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Youtube Video: Improve your GRIP strength with these 4 exercises! Our strength coach Andrew gives you his BEST 4 exercises for GRIP STRENGTH! #GripStrength #StrengthCoach...
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Youtube Video: Level up your arm work with these 3 TRICEPS exercises Nathan explains how to perform 3 cable machine triceps focused movements with perfect form! #TricepsWorkout...
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Youtube Video: Complete your progression towards a PISTOL SQUAT ! Build a PISTOL SQUAT from zero Part 2 Nathan explains how to progress towards a full PISTOL SQUAT! #PistolSquat #SquatProgression #LegStrength...
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Youtube Video: Get a stronger and healthier core with these dead bug progressions! Here, Nathan is explaining how to take your core health to the next level with these tried and trusted dead...
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Youtube Video: Build a pistol squat from zero! Part 1 Nathan explains how to progress towards a full pistol squat! #PistolSquat #SquatProgression #LegStrength...
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Youtube Video: Take your leg day to a new level with these Bulgarian Split Squat variations! Nathan explains how to perform the correct Bulgarian Split Squat in different ways to shift the focus to...
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Youtube Video: Work your upper chest like a pro with these pointers for incline DB chest press! Incline DB chest press explanation video. #InclineChestPress #DBChestPress #ExerciseDemo #FitnessTips...
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Youtube Video: Get your first pull up done with this easy to understand pull up progression! Lets learn how to progress to a pull up with our coach Kenji #PullUpProgression #LearnPullUp #PullUpTutorial...
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The “green prescription”: Physiotherapy for Metabolic Conditions.
Whilst many think of physiotherapy interventions being primarily effective for musculoskeletal conditions (muscle tears, joint sprains,...
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