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Overtraining Doesn't Apply to Me
Check out the video version here: I did a post on overtraining a...
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Do things really hurt more when it's cold?
If you're in Tokyo, or many other places in the northern hemisphere, you're probably cold! And if you have parts of your body that hurt...
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Training for Bone Health
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia effect a last percentage of people over 50. The latest research shows that high intensity exercise can help...
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Are you overtraining?
Working ourselves into an overtrained state can serious hamper our long-term goals.
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Clinical insights with Sam: No Pain ≠All Better
Check out the video version on our IG page!
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Win a Ticket in the Tokyo Marathon Lottery?
Start Preparing Now!!! #MarathonTraining #RunPrep #MarathonJourney #RaceReady #RunningGoals #RunStrong #MarathonMindset #TrainHard...
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What are your lower back's noisy neighbors
Annoying neighbors are never fun, and when you have back pain there are usually some "noisy neighbors" that are contributing to the...
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5 pillow hacks to reduce night time pain
Both with acute and persistent pain conditions, nighttime pain can be an annoyance and also interrupt the healing process. In some cases...
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What does it mean for something to be tight or stiff?
This is still one of the most misunderstood concepts when it comes to pain and rehab. For a lot of people, the sensation of tightness or...
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Ankle Sprains: 3 Common Myths
In this video Sam debunks some common myths and misconceptions around ankle sprain management. Please follow our instagram page for more...
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Walking to prevent lower back pain recurrence
The Power of Walking: A Simple Solution for Lower Back Pain Recurrence For many individuals suffering from lower back pain, the...
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Summertime: The Importance of Keeping Active
#youthsport #summer #consistency #training #travel #homeworkouts #SummerFitness #StayActive #SummerWorkout #FitnessGoals #ExerciseMotivat...
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STOP applying ICE to your INJURIES!!! (4 myths about ice treatment DEBUNKED)
All the wrong things you thought about ICE and INJURES! Sam exposes ICE TREATMENT myths in this clip and explains the facts!...
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Lies Surrounding Back Pain (5 Myths DEBUNKED)
New Youtube clip! What big media doesn't want you to know about your back! Our clinical...
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Why Do things stop hurting when I go to the doctor?
Ever gone to see a medical practitioner and frustratingly had your symptoms go away when you get there? Feel like you’re making it up?...
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Rehabilitative Exercise: What are we actually trying to achieve?
Most individuals, be they athletes or general population patients, understand that exercise is the most important factor in the...
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Resistance Training for Bone Health in Men
The LIFTMOR for men trial The incidence of osteoporosis (defined as bone mineral density T score greater than -2.5) is thought to be over...
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Youtube Video: ow to use BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION technique for muscle growth and recovery, by a physical therapist! Our clinical director and head physiotherapist, Sam, explains the benefits and how to utilize BFR for...
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What you need to know about frozen shoulder
#fysiofriday #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #kneepain #illiotibialband #ITB #ITBS #ITBFS #physio #physicaltherapy #backpain #neckpain...
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Manual Therapy – What is it actually doing?
MANUAL THERAPY: WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY DOING? This post explores some of the mechanism behind the affects of manual therapy #fysiofriday...
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